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My Webmail
How to Access CDU Webmail?
- Open your Browser (Google Chrome or Mozilla) and type
- Enter your email address ( and enter your password you can obtain your login credential from your designated College Secretary.
- Check the box “Open my inbox when I login” and click “Open”
- This allows students to apply to the next higher program, e.g. from SHS to College, from College to Medicine or to Master’s, or from Master’s to Doctorate.
- Allows the student to apply using the existing student ID number.

Virtual Tour
New Procedure for online application
(for Graduate School, College of Medicine and Undergraduate College Programs)

on the left side of the page to upload scanned authentic documents for evaluation. Once your admission record is approved, please proceed with payment.
accomplishing the clearance form should follow their college’s/department’s procedure.)
Download the applicable Clearance Form by clicking the appropriate filename below.
Senior High School Application for Clearance – CDU SHS Clearance Form.pdf
Undergraduate College Application for Clearance – CDU College Clearance Form.pdf
Graduate School Application for Clearance – CDU Graduate School Clearance Form.pdf
• If you already obtained the hard copy of the appropriate clearance form from the University Registrar’s Office, skip this step and proceed to step 2.
• If you wish to fill out the downloaded form directly on the device, you may do so, then proceed to Step 4. Otherwise, print the downloaded form then proceed to step 2.
Fill out the form legibly with the relevant data.
Scan the filled-out form by using a flatbed scanner or phone app such as CamScanner, Genius Scan, or similar.
Important: Forms that are of less than optimal image quality will not be processed.
Save the file in PDF format using the filename Lastname Firstname M.I.clr.pdf (Example: de la Cruz Juan B.clr.pdf).
Email the PDF file to your Dean’s/Principal’s Office from an email address that you can monitor on a daily basis. (Click here for a list of relevant office email addresses.)
• Use the Email Subject Line: Application for Clearance – Lastname, Firstname M.I.
• To avoid the rush, email the PDF file within 24 hours from the time you download the form
Send your school ID by courier to:
Mr. Stanley Clark M. Dipay
Student Affairs, Publications, and Public Relations Office (SAPPRO)
Cebu Doctors’ University
1 Dr. P. V. Larrazabal Jr. Avenue
North Reclamation
Mandaue City, Cebu, PHILIPPINES
• You will not be able to complete your clearance unless you surrender your school ID to the University.
• If you lost your ID, send an original copy of the affidavit of loss by courier to the Head of SAPPRO.
Wait for an email from the University that will inform you that either a) you have been cleared of all deficiencies and/or financial and property obligations or b) you still have deficiencies and/or financial and property obligations.
• The process, from the time you email the PDF file, will take at least 72 hours to complete.
• Be sure to check your mail client’s Spam folder.
Deficiencies should be settled personally with the relevant office.
• Go to the University and enter as a visitor.
• Proceed to the Dean’s Office and ask for your partially signed clearance form.
• Go to the office where you have a deficiency or deficiencies.
• Settle the deficiency or deficiencies.
• Ask for your clearance form.
• Proceed to the remaining offices indicated in the Clearance Form to obtain the rest of the signatures; your last stop should be the University Registrar’s Office.
For financial and property obligations, a copy of the assessment will be attached to the email.
• Deposit/transfer the amount indicated in the assessment to any of the bank accounts of the University (if there is no need for you to go to the University to settle any deficiency).
• Email a copy of the deposit slip or proof of fund transfer to and to your Dean’s/Principal’s Office email address using the Email Subject Line: Proof of payment – Lastname, Firstname M.I.
• Repeat step 7.
For Continuing Students
1. Dean’s/Principal’s Office
- Wait for an email that will inform you either you are a. tagged as a “REGULAR STUDENT”
- Be sure to check your email’s spam folder
b. tagged as an “IRREGULAR STUDENT”
2. Student Payment
- Pay the required enrollment fee of Php 15,000.00
- Email a copy of the deposit slip or proof of transaction to your Dean’s/Principal’s office email address using the Email Subject Line: Proof of payment – Last name, First name, M.I. and Student ID Number
3. Dean’s/Principal’s Office
- Wait for an email for a copy of your study load.
Current Events
Presidential Scholars, and Dean’s Listers of Academic Year 2022-2023 from the College of Medicine
CDU is proud to recognize the College Scholars, Presidential Scholars, and Dean’s Listers of Academic Year 2022-2023 from the College of Medicine! Congratulations and keep up the good work! #CDUat50GoldenYears#CDUWISE#CDUCultureofExcellence#BuildingDreamsSeizingTheWorld #PRIMUMHOMOESTO
1st International Research Congress
Cebu Doctors’ University will hold its 1st International Research Congress on April 12 – 14, 2023 with the theme Empowering Academicians and Strengthening University Engagement in Achieving Sustainable Development Goals through Research. The congress aims to achieve the institution’s vision of providing transformative, globally recognized health- and service-oriented education as it continues to develop a […]
College of Medicine for achieving the 3-year PAASCU Accreditation
#𝐂𝐃𝐔𝐏𝐑𝐈𝐃𝐄 | 𝐂𝐃𝐔 𝐂𝐔𝐋𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐗𝐂𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄 Congratulations to Cebu Doctors’ University – College of Medicine for achieving the 3-year PAASCU Accreditation! We are proud of you! To God be the glory! #CDUWISE #CDUcultureofexecellence #BuildingDreamsSeizingTheWorld #PRIMUMHOMOESTO
- Doctor of Dental Medicine
- Doctor of OPTOMETRY
- Bachelor of Science in Nursing
- Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology/Medical Laboratory Sciences
- Bachelor of Science in Radiologic Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy
- Bachelor of Science in Occupational Therapy
- Bachelor of Science in Respiratory Therapy
- Bachelor of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
- Bachelor of Science in Pharmacy
- Bachelor of Science in Biology
- Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
- Bachelor of Science in Nutrition and Dietetics
- Bachelor of Science in Food Technology
- Bachelor of Science in Library and Information Science
- Bachelor of Library and Information Science
- Bachelor of Arts in Psychology
- Bachelor of Arts in English
- Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Arts in International Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Social Work
- Associate in Computer Technology
- English Language Orientation Program
- Doctor of Philosophy in Organization Development- Level II PAASCU
- Doctor of Philosophy in Organization Development School Administration
- Doctor of Philosophy in Nursing Science
- Master of Arts in Organization Development- Level II PAASCU
Master of Science in Nursing
Major in:
- Family Health Nursing
- Medical-Surgical Nursing
- Maternal-Child Nursing
- Psychiatric Nursing
- Geriatric Nursing
- Nursing Administration
- Master of Arts in Occupational Theraphy
Master of Arts
Major in:
- Hospital Administration
- Educational Management-Level II PAASCU
- Teaching Medical Related Subjects
- Master of Arts in Psychology
Major in:
- Clinical Psychology
- Inductrial/Organizational Psychology
- Social Psychology
- Guidance and Counseling
- Master of Science in Physical Therapy
- Master of Science in Dentistry
Major in:
- Endodontics
- Dental Surgery
- Orthodontics
- Periodontics with Dental Implant
- Master of Science in Medical Technology
- Master of Science in Pharmacy
Our Services
Promote professional competence, as well as critical analysis and decision-making capability among learners, through innovative teaching-learning processes and engagement in relevant research aligned with national agenda
Instill in learners a deep sense of professional, social, and ethical responsibility, cultural sensitivity, appreciation of the finer qualities of life, and the preservation and promotion of the Filipino heritage so they can be partners in the development of national goals and international understanding
Provide a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary academic atmosphere conducive to the physical, intellectual, moral, spiritual, and cultural development of the learners necessary for their personal, professional, and inter-professional advancement
What We Provide
Transform learners into exemplary educators and catalysts for social development through effective enhancement of their leadership, management, and communication skills
Develop a holistic man capable of answering the needs of self, family, and society through education and service

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Their Stories
Cebu Doctors’ University molded and pushed me to become better than what I thought I could be. It made me realize that my limits weren’t my limits after all and that I can be more.

The College of Nursing helped me hone my personality and skills of what I am today as an individual and as a nurse. My CDU-CN education was a solid foundation that helped me a lot in sharpening my skills and provided me a well-equipped knowledge in facing the everyday challenge of a nurse. I am currently based in Reykjavik, Iceland for four years now and currently working in the Intensive Care Unit. It is very humbling to hear that the local nurses and doctors here in Iceland give credits to the Filipino education by producing effective and efficient nurses worldwide.

I have learned that in CDU, they teach you the necessary skills as students that can be applied in the outside world and not just in school. They encourage independence and responsibilities to manage time and one’s self wisely.

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